Rosauro's Mitos Brasileiros (Brazilian Myths), Movement III: Saci Pererê

Saci Pererê is the trickster of the Amazon. Here his sense of fun is captured by the 5/4 samba, but as with Cururpira, chaos is sure to reign whenever his whistle is heard.

Anthony sets the groove on the bongos and on a frying pan.

Larry jams on the marimba, the thunder sheet, a couple of cans, and a slide whistle. Spoiler alert: He also pops balloons.

Aaron brings us a cuica aptly made from a recycled Café Bustelo can, as well as a set of improvised Brazilian samba agogô bells using Midwestern cow bells. Mostly, he rocks the tom-toms.

Pamela plays the vibes, the bass drum, and a couple of ordinary saucepans.

This recording is shared online with permission of publisher Pro Percussão Brasil. Click here to enjoy Movement !: Curupira and here to enjoy Movement II: Iara.

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