Rosauro's Mitos Brasileiros (Brazilian Myths), Movement IV: Uirapurú

The song of Uirapurú enchants all who hear it. The theme used here is based on English researcher Dr. R. Spruce’s 1850 bird call transcription of the uirapurú, a small Amazonian songbird.

Anthony plays the water glass, the bird whistle, the wood chimes, and the xylophone.

Larry plays the water glass and marimba.

Aaron plays the water glass and glockenspiel.

Pamela plays the bottle, temple block, and vibraphone.

This recording is shared online with permission of publisher Pro Percussão Brasil. Click here to enjoy Movement !: Curupira, here to enjoy Movement II: Iara, and here to enjoy Movement III: Saci Pererê.